Monthly Archives: October 2015

Libertains, Libertarin-ism Classic Liberal. A small brief!

Libertarian, Libertarian-ism,a classic liberal, such a strange creature. This person is slandered and is made to be a whack -a – do. A word ,Senator John McCain calls people ,who love Liberty.

Let’s look a this word: Libertarian, it is made up of two words. Liberty and a suffix -arian.
This word started to come around 1789-1790. Liber, which is Latin, means “free”. Continue reading

Trillions! That’s a lot of dough!

You here about our Nations debt, $18 trillion dollars. Some cannot believe that amount. Or know how much money that is.
So let me help you. $100 million dollars in $100 dollars bills( the ones with Benjamin Franklins’ face on it), is 4 feet long, 4 feet wide, 4 feet high.
$1 trillion dollars in $100 dollars bills is 8 feet high, 120 yards long, 53 and 1/3 yards wide
(360 feet long and 160 feet wide)
So 18 N.F.L. teams will not be playing football on Sunday
Yeah the economy is doing well. NOT!

Chris Christie! what a statist is!

As i was watching Chris Christie on C-SPAN, he was asked a question a healthcare , medical marijuana, and recreational marijuana.
Healthcare : Let states run their own healthcare.Their own mandates.
Medical marijuana: He’s for it, to help people ease their pain.
Recreational marijuana:” Washington and Colorado better start smoking. Because once I’m President, i will enforce the law”!.
He’s a statist!
Vote Libertarian!
Now what people do in their own homes is no business of you ,me,or the Government.
He is violating the Z.A.P ( Zero Aggressive Principle). Do not use force or fraud against another person. “I will enforce the Law” is both force and fraud.