Monthly Archives: February 2015

No Love in Broward County for Uber and Lyft!

Here is a notice of a workshop here in Broward County regarding Uber and Lyft. The County Commissioner want to make sure that Uber and Lyft are inline. No Free Market here. You must get permission first, then pay a “fee”, which means, commissioners want their cuts first. Somehow i think Yellowcab of Broward and other cab companies are in on this too. The County sets the cab fare rates, which means these folks are set to lose alot of money, if Uber and Lyft are not regulated like the cabbies are. Broward County Transit is set to lose some ridership over this too. Broward buses are always breaking down. I know, i drive them.
It’s only a matter of time before, people with trucks are regulated because moving companies are not making money. Remember this county is the reason George W. Bush became President in 2000.

Here is what is required for a Chauffer/ Taxicab driver here in Broward County.

The Law by Fredric Bastiat

Claude Frédéric Bastiat  (29 June 1801 – 24 December 1850) was a Frenchclassical liberal theorist, political economist, and member of the French assembly. He was notable for developing the important economic concept of opportunity cost, and for penning the influential Parable of the Broken Window. His ideas have gone on to provide a foundational basis for libertarian and the Austrian schools of thought.Bastiat.jpg

Mr. Bastiat wrote a book called ” The Law”. Every Libertarian should add to their reading list. Here is a link to The Law in a pdf file from the Mises Institute in Auburn ,Alabama.